T-Stor https://t-stor.teagasc.ie:443 DSpace数字存储系统捕获、存储、索引、保存和分发数字研究材料。 2022 - 06 - 23 - t05:30:54z 爱尔兰牧场奶牛场跛足率及管理实践 http://hdl.handle.net/11019/2809 爱尔兰牧场奶牛场跛足率及管理实践哈德逊,c, d;克罗斯利,r . e .;Sugrue k;肯尼迪,埃米尔;赫胥黎,j . n;跛足是一种痛苦的疾病,它对奶牛的生产和福利产生负面影响。这项观察性研究的目的是确定畜群跛行率,描述目前的跛行管理做法,并确定爱尔兰牧场奶牛场存在的跛行风险因素。在放牧期间(99个农场)和住房期间(85个农场)分别访问了一次农场。每次就诊时进行跛行评分(AHDB 0-3量表); cows were classified as lame if they scored two or three. Farm management practices and infrastructure characteristics were evaluated via farmer questionnaires and direct measurements of farm infrastructure. Results Median herd-level lameness prevalence was 7.9% (interquartile range = 5.6 – 13.0) during grazing and 9.1% (interquartile range = 4.9 – 12.0) during housing; 10.9% of cows were lame at a single visit and 3.5% were lame at both visits (chronically lame or had a repeat episode of lameness). Fifty-seven percent of farmers were not familiar with lameness scoring and only one farm carried out lameness scoring. Only 22% of farmers kept records of lame cows detected, and 15% had a lameness herd health plan. Twenty-eight percent of farmers waited more than 48 h to treat a lame cow, and 21% waited for more than one cow to be identified as lame before treating. Six percent of farmers carried out routine trimming and 31% regularly footbathed (> 12 times per year). Twelve percent put severely lame cows in a closer paddock and 8% stated that they used pain relief to treat severely lame cows. Over 50% of farms had at least one cow track measurement that was classified as rough or very rough, and cow tracks were commonly narrow for the herd size. On 6% of farms, all cubicle beds were bare concrete (no matting or bedding) and on a further 6% of farms, there was a combination of cubicles with and without matting or bedding. On 56% of farms, all pens contained less than 1.1 cubicles per cow and on 28% of farms, a proportion of pens contained less than 1.1 cubicles per cow. Conclusions Overall, this study identified infrastructure and management practices which could be improved upon. The comparatively low lameness prevalence demonstrated, compared to fully housed systems, also highlights the benefits of a pasture-based system for animal welfare; however, there remains scope for improvement. peer-reviewed 2022 - 06 - 08 - t00:00:00z 影响爱尔兰兽医从业者保留的因素:一项以临床实践为重点的横断面研究 http://hdl.handle.net/11019/2808 影响爱尔兰兽医从业人员留任的因素:一项以临床实践为重点的横断面研究比蒂,斯蒂芬·h·;灰色,伊丽莎白;场,尼;利斯顿,罗里;罗兹,维多利亚;近年来,在爱尔兰,兽医从业人员的滞留已成为一个重大问题。之前没有爱尔兰同行评议的出版物解决过这个问题。2019年1月至11月,通过社交媒体和电子邮件向爱尔兰老兵提供了一份在线问卷。这项调查的目的是确定造成爱尔兰兽医留用问题的因素。 Results A total of 370 eligible responses were received. The median age of respondents was 31 and the gender balance was 250 females (68%) to 118 males (32%). The majority of respondents worked in clinical practice 322 (89%), with 138 (42.8%) in mixed practice, 115 (35.7%) in small animal practice, 49 (15.2%) solely with farm animals and 20 (6.2%) in equine practice. Fifty-four percent of respondents described themselves as likely to be leaving their current job within two years and 32.8% as being likely to leave the profession. In total, 44 variables were assessed by univariate analysis and 27 variables were significantly (P < 0.05) associated with the likelihood of a respondent leaving their current job within 2 years (LCJ2), as a proxy measure of the problem of retention. All variables significant on univariate analysis at P < 0.2 were included in a multivariable logistic regression model. Factors associated with LCJ2 included satisfaction with work-life balance (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.33); satisfaction with working hours (OR 0.2); number of years qualified (OR 0.91); position as a practice owner/partner/director (OR 0.15); and log10salary (OR 0.03). Four variables were retained in a separate multivariable linear regression model as significant (P < 0.05) predictors of log10salary. Log10salary increased with years qualified. Males had an increased salary compared to females irrespective of years qualified. Part-time employees, vets on maternity leave or postgraduate vets had a lower log10salary. Compared to veterinary employees, self-employed or locum vets had a higher log10salary. Conclusions Veterinary employers should consider salary, working hours and the facilitation of a good work-life balance in order to successfully retain veterinary employees. The significant difference in salaries currently offered to male and female vets, and the high percentage of respondents considering leaving the profession, are important findings and warrant further investigation. peer-reviewed 2022 - 06 - 07 - t00:00:00z 禽分枝杆菌亚种副结核杆菌在牛的感染-在季节性牧场奶牛群背景下的综述 http://hdl.handle.net/11019/2807 牛禽分枝杆菌副结核亚种感染——基于季节性牧场奶牛群背景下的综述McAloon康纳·g·;Gavey,劳伦斯;梅约翰约翰氏病是一种传染性疾病,影响全世界的牛、其他反刍动物和非反刍野生动物,由鸟分枝杆菌副结核亚种(MAP)引起。这篇综述提供了MAP的发病机制、牛Johne病的意义以及在季节性牧草为基础的畜群中在动物和畜群水平上诊断检测的使用的最新简明概述。虽然MAP只能在细胞内复制,但这种细菌足够强健,可以在环境中存活数月。MAP的传播主要通过粪-口途径,但子宫内传播也有可能。这种细菌通过在小肠粘膜下层的巨噬细胞中存活来躲避免疫系统,在大多数情况下,这种潜伏感染阶段持续至少两年,直到细菌脱落和临床症状开始。MAP感染的缓慢进展性、诊断测试的糟糕表现以及使易感犊牛暴露于感染的管理系统,使得控制约翰氏病具有挑战性,特别是在季节性产仔的畜群中。对单个动物的检测对农民和兽医来说没有什么保障vwin德赢线上娱乐,因为灵敏度很低,而且在酶联免疫吸附试验中,现有检测的特异性不完全。 Repeated herd-level testing is utilised by the IJCP to detect infected herds, identify high risk animals, and provide increasing confidence that test-negative herds are free of infection. The IJCP aims to control the spread of Johne’s disease in cattle in Ireland, in order to protect non-infected herds, limit the economic and animal health impact of the disease, improve calf health and reassure markets of Johne’s disease control in Ireland. peer-reviewed 2022 - 05 - 20 - t00:00:00z 从爱尔兰农场和传统孵化肉鸡农场分离出的大肠杆菌的抗微生物药物耐药性 http://hdl.handle.net/11019/2806 从爱尔兰Byrne和Noelle的农场和传统孵化肉鸡农场分离出的大肠埃希菌的抗菌素耐药性;奥尼尔,Lorcan;卡尔德龙·迪亚兹,茱莉亚;加西亚小苹果,埃德加;淡水河谷,安娜p;背景在肉鸡生产中,场内孵化(OH)系统越来越普遍。孵化条件与传统农场不同,因为OH雏鸡避免接触处理、运输、孵化后的水和饲料匮乏。相比之下,在传统孵化条件(CH)的小鸡暴露在标准孵化程序和孵化后运输。这项初步研究的目的是调查大肠埃希菌对抗菌素耐药的流行率和频率,包括从OH和CH孵化系统的环境和粪便样本中分离出的可能产生ESBL/ ampc的大肠埃希菌,并调查产生ESBL/ ampc的编码基因的存在。结果10个鸡场(5个OH鸡场,5个CH鸡场)消毒后第0天采集1个鸡场环境样品,进行卫生标准评价。 On D10 and D21 post egg/chick arrival onto the farm, samples of faeces, boot swabs and water drinker lines were collected. E. coli were isolated on MacConkey agar (MC) and MacConkey supplemented with cefotaxime (MC+). Few E. coli were detected on D0. However, on D10 and D21 E. coli isolates were recovered from faeces and boot swabs. Water samples had minimal contamination. In this study, 100% of cefotaxime resistant E. coli isolates (n=33) detected on selective media and 44% of E. coli isolates (84/192) detected on nonselective media were multidrug resistant (MDR). The antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genotype for the 15 ESBL/AmpC producing isolates was determined using multiplex PCR. Six of these were selected for Sanger sequencing of which two were positive for blaCMY-2, two for blaTEM-1 and two were positive for both genes. Conclusions There was no difference in E. coli isolation rates or prevalence of AMR found between the OH versus CH systems, suggesting that the OH system may not be an additional risk of resistant E. coli dissemination to broilers compared to the CH systems. The frequency of β-lactam resistant E. coli in boot swab and faeces samples across both OH (24/33 (73%)) and CH (9/33 (27%)) systems may indicate that hatcheries could be a reservoir and major contributor to the transmission of AMR bacteria to flocks after entry to the rearing farms. peer-reviewed 2022 - 04 - 22 - t00:00:00z